Friday, August 5, 2011

One Sacrifice

Sacrifice has been my mind all summer. The sacrifice of Christ to be exact. The Christ Crucified sacrifice that altered everything. It's a topic that has been my summer cuisine so I been devouring it in the Word and in the writings of fellow believers.

It has brought me to the conclusion that the sacrifice of Christ on the Cross is my greatest and most prized possession. It it's the most lavish gift that our faithful God has given to mankind and I am so grateful for it.

A trillion words could be written to describe what the sacrifice of Christ hung there, shedding His blood in humiliation accomplished. And we need to know about it!!! And gush about it to all around us, and let our hearts daily be ravaged by the truth of Christ offering to us.

But right now, since the night is short and my to do list is screaming my name, I just want to holler about one thing- Tonight, I was remembering the thoughts that I would think and sometimes even say about my own personal sacrifice to God. Just a quick example-right before I got saved I walked away from a dream job offer that I wanted for three years. And even up until a year ago, I counted giving up that job (and other things) as cost of following Christ. I constantly dwelled on what I was offering to God...(Oh...look at me, Jesus...I am giving you a year of my life at ministry school)

But now, it is my upmost joy and honor to proclaim that it cost me nothing to serve Christ. My sinful & wretched state before Christ cost me my union with Him, sin cost me everything I now hold dear. The Messiah was executed on the stake as a criminal- that is the only sacrifice that counts. It cost God everything to rescue me and He was full of pleasure to pay that price.

I don't have anything to lay on the alter that can add an ounce to what He has poured out on the Cross. It's my happy privilege to announce that Jesus Christ is worth far more than everything I thought was sacrificially giving up.

There is only room for one sacrifice...His!!!!!!! Not mine or yours!!!!

Let's spend a life time (not just a year..haha) rejoicing in & overflowing with happy gratefulness about the finished works of the Savior!!! Let's not consider anything else----

Alright, I am cutting myself off now!!!

P.S.-Sorry my grammar & writing skills are not rocking in this post- it's late and I am typing way too fast!!!! Next time will be better, I promise....

Friday, April 29, 2011

Such trust!!!!

Oh my! The thought of writing here has floated into my head many times. My way to busy for a normal existence schedule has shoot that sweet little inspiration down one too many times. So here I am.
Ready to write even though blogging feels incredibly cheesy.
Ready to write even though I am going to have to supernaturally stop the clock to make it happen.
Ready to write because the creative melodies are humming their sweet little way up my heart. Ready to write because I serve the most gracious, loving, compassionate, beautiful, magnificent, marvelous, Holy, gentle, mighty, sovereign God that anyone can ever know. I have no choice but to boast in Him, even if it's though a little blog. I have pledged my life to give Him glory- so my little you go!!!! Go bring Him glory!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This past November, I was sitting in the San Francisco airport waiting to board a plane to Hong Kong. As any good little homeschooler would, I was journaling. And the Lord kept telling, "You can trust me. You can trust me. You can trust me." And I wrote, I trust you that You have every solution before any of my problems begin. My heart was flooded with peace and then I boarded the plane.

About 3 minutes after I boarded, a particular situation arose on the plane. It was a beast and significant and directly involved my team & I. Due to the lively nature of what happened and protection issues, I cannot divulge the details so publicly on the Internet. But I can whisper you this: that the Lord so ever sovereignly handled..and fixed beautifully and perfectly in two minutes. If I had spent two weeks trying to figure out how to properly handle the situation my plan would fail miserable to to His divine intervention in that moment.

All was well after we took off so I started wiggling to the beat of my music. Of course, I couldn't sit still so I stood up in the aisle and pretended to stretch (I was truly lifting my hands to..Praise Him!!!!!) The cabin lights were dark and the lyrics that rolled into my ears were, "Your goodness found me in the darkness!!!!" I nearly fell over in awe. Thinking back to the little dramatic episodes several hours earlier. I didn't have to stop in the middle of it and say, "Okay now Jesus...I decided right now to trust you and to pick you. I could pick the devil...but I choose you. I pick what you want..I pick to let you have control of the situation"..No No No No No. It was nothing like that. He just ambushed us with His goodness and glory. There was no room for me at all. He was sovereign and just simply did Holy thing. I didn't go looking for Him to intervene. He found me. He delivered me from the situation without my approval. So there I was standing in the dark aisle of the plane, ambushed by the goodness of God and speechless as I realized how much I can trust my Jesus.

That precious little moment popped my eyes open to the sweetest of trusting Jesus. It made me become so aware of how the Lord so sweetly paves our lives with His sovereign grace. I trust you, Jesus. I trust you, Jesus. I trust you, Jesus has not stopped playing over and over in my heart since. He finds us, delivers us, saves us and redeems us from every snare before we can even cry for help. He overrides my plans and will for that divine rescue--There is so much glory on that!!!!!!!!

And how I could write a million books about the endless ways He has proved Himself faithful since that epic moment on the plane to Hong Kong. He always was before, and always will be...Ohh Jesus!!!!!!!! I trust you!!!!!!!!

Cheers & Love!!!!

P.S. A thought just sprang into my head. The best thing about God sovereignly handling situations with His perfect will and goodness is that He gets all the glory. I can't sit here and boast about how I picked Him over picking darkness. And then give myself a little pat on the back for being such a Godly Christian because I did something. No. No. No. No. I can only boast in the Cross!!!!!!!!!! And what God has accomplished for me.

"But far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ...Galatians 6:14"

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Oh hello my little blog!
Here you are, a little [almost] miracle. Because you see I have always thought blogs to be "so old
school" and I have ZERO time to fill your pages with glory.
You were created so that when I am on glorious dump trips I could write about the poorest of the poor [and Jesus in them] Clearly, that has not happened yet. Sorry. Sorry.

But God!!! Lets say in the last month or so, I have been reminded how much I used to love to write. I have been so busy the past two years, that I simply haven't given and time or effort into writing. Starting you has been a twirling thought in my head for some time, and then tonight when I was on the treadmill, the Holy Spirit came and just arrested my heart and I knew that it was long overdue that you should come. And my wee little heart began jumping and dancing with joy so wildly that I nearly fell off the treadmill. you are my sweet little blog!!! I am going to fill your post with wonderful tales about our beautiful and wonderful Jesus, His precious sacrifice, His beauty among the poorest on earth, His goodness in every little moment, all the lively adventures that somehow seem to ambush me, how much I love (my family, my job, my friends, the poor, and watermelon), and probably lots on how stinking cute my nephew is.

You are here because God is good and I can type way faster than I can journal. Perhaps I will keep you all to myself or maybe I will even dare to share you?? Hmm!!!
