Friday, August 5, 2011

One Sacrifice

Sacrifice has been my mind all summer. The sacrifice of Christ to be exact. The Christ Crucified sacrifice that altered everything. It's a topic that has been my summer cuisine so I been devouring it in the Word and in the writings of fellow believers.

It has brought me to the conclusion that the sacrifice of Christ on the Cross is my greatest and most prized possession. It it's the most lavish gift that our faithful God has given to mankind and I am so grateful for it.

A trillion words could be written to describe what the sacrifice of Christ hung there, shedding His blood in humiliation accomplished. And we need to know about it!!! And gush about it to all around us, and let our hearts daily be ravaged by the truth of Christ offering to us.

But right now, since the night is short and my to do list is screaming my name, I just want to holler about one thing- Tonight, I was remembering the thoughts that I would think and sometimes even say about my own personal sacrifice to God. Just a quick example-right before I got saved I walked away from a dream job offer that I wanted for three years. And even up until a year ago, I counted giving up that job (and other things) as cost of following Christ. I constantly dwelled on what I was offering to God...(Oh...look at me, Jesus...I am giving you a year of my life at ministry school)

But now, it is my upmost joy and honor to proclaim that it cost me nothing to serve Christ. My sinful & wretched state before Christ cost me my union with Him, sin cost me everything I now hold dear. The Messiah was executed on the stake as a criminal- that is the only sacrifice that counts. It cost God everything to rescue me and He was full of pleasure to pay that price.

I don't have anything to lay on the alter that can add an ounce to what He has poured out on the Cross. It's my happy privilege to announce that Jesus Christ is worth far more than everything I thought was sacrificially giving up.

There is only room for one sacrifice...His!!!!!!! Not mine or yours!!!!

Let's spend a life time (not just a year..haha) rejoicing in & overflowing with happy gratefulness about the finished works of the Savior!!! Let's not consider anything else----

Alright, I am cutting myself off now!!!

P.S.-Sorry my grammar & writing skills are not rocking in this post- it's late and I am typing way too fast!!!! Next time will be better, I promise....

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